Napisałem w końcu działającego moda pod wersję SMF 1.1.11 i SMF 2.0 RC 2.
Przetestowałem wszystko, nawet zainstalowałem świeżą 2.0 i wygląda na to, że nigdzie nie popełniłem błędu.
Modyfikację zamieściłem na oficjalnej stronie SimpleMachines.org, jednak czeka ona na zaakceptowanie.
Jeśli zostanie zaakceptowana będzie pod numerkiem 2373.
Mimo, że popełniłem potworną ilość modyfikacji, to w sumie żadnej oficjalnej.., może czas na zmiany?
To screeny z testów:
SMF 1.1.11SMF 2.0 RC 2Jak widać to możliwe.. Fotki pochodzą z testów moda, tuż po zainstalowaniu.
Wkleję teraz to co jest w pliku readme.txt z paczki moda:
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1.0 Date: January 7, 2o1o
1.1.x and
SteamProfileAboutSteamProfile is an Ajax-based Java-Script widget to embed the profile status of a Steam Community member into a HTML webpage.
..and now with my mod, into SMF Boards to..)
It uses the
Steam Community XML API to read the raw data and
jQuery for the transformation into HTML elements.
PHP is used as well for a server-side XML proxy to ensure fast and stable XML delivery.
example.html for examples and instructions for proper embedding into your website, (ins steamprofile folder).
Examples: With slider menu opened: Steam Profile Mod for SMF will:Integrate Steam profile script, into SMF Board- Adds Steam Profile field to the "Forum Profile Information" page, (in SMF 2.0 "Profil Forum").
- Adds Steam Profile image-indicator and link to the "View Profile (sumary view)" page showing the status of that user.
- Adds Steam Profile image,(baner)-indicator to user details in forum posts that links to their Steam Community page.
The following files get edited, so if you use a custom theme that changes any of these files, you will need to manually update them yourself.
This Mod change files:
SMF 1.1.11 -
Themes/default/- Profile.template.php
- Display.template.php
SMF 2.0 -
Sources/Themes/default/ (the Curve Theme)
- Profile.template.php
- Display.template.php
The mod will update only the default templates, for another please read install[1 or 2].xml - is easy for integration with different styles as well.
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From the Autor of the script.:
SteamProfile SteamProfile OverviewInstallation and UsageThe directory cache is used for caching, therefore it must be read- and writable for the web server process.
..so.. folder "
cache" in cataloge "steamprofile" (here --> YourForum/steamprofile/
cache), must stetting CHMOD into 777 (or 077 - is the same)
You can change configurations for the XML proxy in xmlproxy.php. For client configuration and template editing, open steamprofile.xml.
example.html for examples and instructions for proper embedding into your website, (ins steamprofile folder).
RequirementsServer Requirements- Any PHP-compliant webserver (tested with Apache/2.2.11)
- PHP 5.0.0 or higher, 5.2.x recommended (tested with PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2)
Required PHP extensions- SteamProfile Image
- cURL (libcurl 7.x)
- GD2 (libgd 2.0.x)
Client Requirements- Any modern browser with enabled JavaScript
Browser Compatibility- no problems:
- Firefox 3.7
- Opera 10.10
- Internet Explorer 8
- Safari 4.0
- Chrome 3.0
- minor problems:
- Internet Explorer 7 & Internet Explorer 8 in compatibility mode:
- - "Loading..." is not displayed
- - icons are not showing up
- major problems:
- Internet Explorer 6:
- - unable to display transparent 32-bit PNG images
- - slider menu unusable
- - flawed layout
- - annoys web developer
- - causes cancer
- - eats small babies
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Changelog1.0 - 07th January 2010
- Initial Release
Best Regards
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Pewnie nawaliłem błędów językowych.. no cóż z pisanego angielskiego nie jestem zbyt mocny..
Nie wiem tylko ale chyba się wstrzymam z dawaniem załącznika, dokąd nie zapadnie oficjalna decyzja.. Oczywiście Beta-testerzy mile widziani
Zainteresowane osoby dostaną wcześniej tego moda.
Liczę na wasze uwagi, opinie czy choćby "wymianę myśli"..