Tytuł: Prośba rss feeder Wiadomość wysłana przez: cieplutki 10.07.2010 17:58:47 Do tłumaczenia
GeSHi -› Code: [select] /* RSS Feeder */ $txt['mods_cat_modifications_rssfeeds'] = 'RSS Feeder'; $txt['rss_feeder'] = 'RSS Feeder'; $txt['rss_feeder_desc'] = 'This section allows you to setup and view RSS feeds that post to your forum.'; $txt['rss_feed_enabled'] = 'Enabled'; $txt['rss_feed_title'] = 'Feed Title'; $txt['rss_feed_title_desc'] = 'This should be an internal title used for the feed.'; $txt['rss_feed_url'] = 'Feed URL'; $txt['rss_feed_url_desc'] = 'This should be a valid RSS feed. If the parser finds it to be invalid, it will be disabled.'; $txt['rss_feed_poster'] = 'Post Feed As'; $txt['rss_feed_poster_desc'] = 'Enter who you would like this topic posted as.'; $txt['rss_feed_prefix'] = 'Topic Prefix'; $txt['rss_feed_prefix_desc'] = 'If you would like this feed\'s posts prefixed, enter one here. This is optional'; $txt['rss_feed_import'] = 'Number To Import'; $txt['rss_feed_import_desc'] = 'You can set the number of items to import on each load. 0 to import all.'; $txt['rss_feed_locked'] = 'Topic Locked'; $txt['rss_feed_approve'] = 'Require Topic Approval'; $txt['rss_feed_full_article'] = 'Retrieve Full Article'; $txt['rss_feed_singletopic'] = 'Post Items In Single Topic'; $txt['rss_feed_regex'] = 'Regular Expression'; $txt['rss_feed_regex_desc'] = 'Required if retrieving full article. This must be <a href="http://us.php.net/manual/en/book.pcre.php">PCRE</a> format. The match is expected to be in second index of the array ([1]).'; $txt['rss_feed_keywords'] = 'Keywords To Find'; $txt['rss_feed_keywords_desc'] = 'If you would like feeds only to be imported if they contain certain keywords, enter those in a comma delimited list here (ex: key1, key2).'; $txt['rss_feed_board'] = 'Board'; $txt['rss_feed_modify'] = 'Modify'; $txt['rss_feed_none'] = 'There are no feeds to display'; $txt['rss_feed_add'] = 'Add Feed'; $txt['rss_feed_delete'] = 'Delete Selected'; $txt['rss_feed_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to delete the selected feeds?'; $txt['rss_feed_not_found'] = 'Could not find a feed with that id.'; $txt['rss_feed_no_boards'] = 'There are no boards to post feeds to.'; $txt['rss_feed_add_error'] = 'The information highlighted in red is required'; $txt['rss_feed_insert_error'] = 'Could not insert the new feed successfully'; $txt['rss_feed_insert_success'] = 'The feed was created successfully'; $txt['rss_feed_update_success'] = 'The feed was updated successfully'; $txt['scheduled_task_desc_rss_feeder'] = 'Fetches RSS feeds that have been setup in the Feeder settings.'; $txt['scheduled_task_rss_feeder'] = 'RSS Feeder'; $txt['pruneRssFeedLog'] = 'Remove RSS Feeder entries older than:<div class="smalltext">(0 to disable)</div>'; $txt['rss_feed_footer'] = 'Footer Text'; $txt['rss_feed_footer_desc'] = 'If you would like any text in the post after the feed is posted, enter it here. Any BBCode is allowed'; $txt['rss_feed_count'] = 'Posts'; $txt['rss_feed_board_error'] = 'No board'; $txt['rss_feed_source'] = 'Source'; /*RSS Feeder */ |